Behold thy first knitted project; a scarf for my husband.
I got the pattern out of "knitbook: The basics & beyond" which can be found here:
The whole thing is in garter stitch, using worsted acrylic yarn (I am allergic to wool) and on size 8 needles. I used Red Heart Super Saver, "Earth and Sky" ID# 0928, "Spa Blue Fleck" ID# 4321, and "Grey Heather" ID# 0400. Also, by now I have weaved in all those horrible tons of hundreds of ends on the picture's right side.
The acrylic and the width makes the whole thing very stiff. So while this is not scarf which will caress Billy's cheek and drape elegantly atop his shoulders, it will protect him from any and all elements while keeping his chin, neck, shoulders, and probably nose warm and dry.
While this was an excellent first project, being rows and rows of the knit stitch, I don't think I could do it exactly the same way again. The rows are spaced apart in such a way that you cannot twist the ends together until you get to the next repeat, but have to cut the yarn after each section of color is ended, resulting in the hundreds and hundreds of ends to be weaved in. The result is that now I am very good at weaving ends, but the whole process took longer than actually knitting the scarf (as you can see by the picture, that it is not exactly a "small" scarf).
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