No, I haven't forgotten about you. Big things have been underfoot.
1) I graduated with my Associates in Accounting two weeks ago!
Finals were very very crazy and took up just about all of my time. Now that I am done I am definitely doing more knitting. The full effect of graduating hasn't hit me yet... I still feel like I am procrastinating on homework or that I should be studying.
2) Big Trip on Saturday (in 3 days)!
We, my husband, Billy, my brother, Michael, and I, have been planning this trip since last year and Billy and I bought our tickets in February. There is going to be a looooong plane trip and car ride so I am bringing this kit I just bought:

I got it from for $20 -isn't that pretty (that's the stock photo from the website, not me and the bag!)?
There are quite a few new things for me from this bag:
- This is going to be my first experience with intarsia.
- I cast on last night and it was my first time using the crochet hook provisional cast on - so simple! I like it more than the long tail cast on, but it does leave live stitches so I can't use it on everything...
- This is my first nice 'wool' project - no acrylic here! The black bits are 'wool of the andes' and I do have a slight reaction to it with wheezing and a little coughing, but as I was casting on, the more I was around it the less the reaction got = promising. I'm hoping this is a similar vein of someone being allergic to cats but getting used to being around certain ones... The color is a mix of 70% wool, 30% nylon. Both wools are not super fibrous and are very thin, which is why I think I can handle it.
There will be much more interesting posts in the near future. Off I go to finish packing!
P.S. One day I will live in a house that is not downtown and will not hear every word spoken (or much worse, as a recent night has delivered) by my neighbor.